Sunday Dinner – Roast Chicken Dinner

Have a seat…help your self. Its Sunday Supper. Roast chicken with potatoes, carrots & onions ♥

(Can you make out it’s a whole chicken surrounded by veggies? lol. Also, I tossed a couple pats of butter to drippings/gravy. Split second decision, adds a richness. I usually make thin gravy with drippings and stock from inners, smoothing it out thru seive. BUT it’s over 100º on this day so…I couldn’t take the heat so I had to get out of the kitchen. As you can see, it doesn’t really matter. Just would look prettier 😀 Tastes great as is, so ; p )

Its really really delicious.  It looks a little messy due to combination of TOO HOT to handle, chicken falling off bone yet still juicy & my nice big ” Lidia Bastianich” platter is still packed away in a box 😦  & my sister’s only platter was smaller. Thinkin Tim Gunn again! “Make it work”. lol
Keep in mind I have hungry people over my shoulder…no time for photo shoots, haha


I hope I’m a little helpful, at least, with my usual lack of measuring & timing. Although…I did set the timer this time! Woohoo….
Preheated oven to 350º.
I started with a large chicken. Took inside “stuff” out & put it in saucepan of salted water to make extra chicken stock.  I can’t throw that stuff away.
Drizzled it with EVOO & butter. Then I sprinkled a little kosher salt & Adobo seasoning (that contained salt, garlic, bitter orange, oregano, pepper….).
Placed chicken in roasting pan on rack.


Peeled quite a few carrots (because its MY favorite part) & cut them in large pieces.



I drizzle EVOO on veggies too. & LITTLE sprinkle of kosher salt.
I put the chicken and carrots in oven at same time, for 1 hour.


Then I add cut up potatoes & onions.  Baste chicken & veggies. I added a little water to roasting pan too…for chicken broth at end. 1/2 to 1 cup…
Set timer for 90 minutes. I know! That seems so long!  But I thought “well, I’ll keep my eye on it”. NOT. I ran an errand assuming I’d be back within an hour. Wrong….as I came in the door, timer beeped. Turned out to be a good thing!
It all turned out perfect. Chicken crispy skin, falling off bone but still juicy. Vegetables were perfect too. Browned on edges of most, tender/DONE yet not mushy!
Hope that works the same for any1 else trying this! ♡
BTW…I do NOT use those “baby carrots” to cheat because they do NOT turn out the same. They turn out weird, odd consistency.  Something wrong there. Just sayin.



Yeah…if I were a chef, I would’ve wiped edge of platter. lol
I had my hands full, HOT & was learning on the spot that platter was a little small 😀



I do all that….for this size plate!  For real!


1 piece of chicken, 2 potatoes, couple carrots, a little onion & a drizzle of pan drippings 😀

Obviously its for family ♥

Please…NEVER let pan drippings go to waste. Best #GRAVY !



can you hear heaven open?

& if no fresh herbs, have this in freezer 😀



    • Thanks Liz.
      I go in spurts. I’ll cook or do something that I post for awhile…then I go MIA for awhile…burn out. But I always come back 😀


    • Thanks.
      I have to admit my sister was thrilled with it! A slight pat on my back. LOL Well…shes picky and of little faith (to her credit…from experiences of pink chicken or more then al dente veggies) 😀
      Appreciate yur comment still…very much.
      So again…THANKS


      • Of course! I love a roasted chicken, one of my favorite dishes to eat! Hey, we all have had our fair share of experiencing undercooked chicken, it happens!


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