Coconut Milk Panna Cotta with Honey, Lime and Ginger

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Tasty Eats

Coconut Milk Panna Cotta Ronit PensoPanna cotta (“cooked cream” in Italian) is a popular Italian dessert. The basic form contains very few ingredients: heavy cream, sugar and gelatin. It doesn’t require baking and is easy to make and serve, as it can keep in the fridge until ready to serve. No wonder it became such a popular dessert all over the world.

When made properly, the flavor is fresh and delicate and the texture is light and velvety. A small portion of it goes a long way and with a few fresh garnishes or fruit syrups, it is both beautiful and tasty dessert.

If you are familiar with this blogs’ recipes, you probably know by now I’m not much into substitutes, but sometimes they just work so well, it’s worth it to use them. I this case, I was asked to prepare a lactose-free version for the dessert and the first alternative that came to…

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